Organizations to Consider

CSUF Emeriti

This is the local organization for faculty and staff members who have been granted emeritus status. Membership in the Emeriti is an excellent way to stay in touch with friends and acquaintances and keep informed of campus activities. Keeping in touch is a two-way street—you should keep the Emeriti informed of your significant activities. Contact The Emeriti Center, Pollak Library North - Room PLN 433. (By the way, upon your demise, your spouse may continue as an associate member of the Emeriti, should he or she wish to do so.)

The CSUF Emeriti hold several luncheon meetings with speakers or entertainment and one or two outings during the academic year. Membership in the Emeriti costs $15 per year. Information about Emeriti activities is available on the Emeriti web site and through our email list. To be added to the Emeriti email list send email to


The California State University Emeritus and Retired Faculty & Staff Association (CSU-ERFSA)Opens in new window is the statewide organization of retired faculty from the CSU.  (Note that membership in CSU-ERFSA is open to all CSU system retired faculty and staff members. Emeritus status is not required.)  CSU-ERFSA is the only organization looking out for our welfare with the legislators and the CSU system. The  Reporter (the CSU-ERSFA newsletter)Opens in new window keeps retired faculty aware of new developments. Contact The Retiree Center, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge, CA 91330-8339 or 818-677-6552 for more information .

CSU-ERFSA through the CSU-ERFA Charitable FoundationOpens in new window has a grant awards programOpens in new window for retired faculty members who are continuing their research and scholarly activities.  Note that you must be a member of CSU-ERFSA to be eligible to compete for funding from this program.

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute - OLLI

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)Opens in new window , formerly CLE, is an on-campus organization housed in the Ruby Gerontology Center that is for people aged 55 or older. OLLI has a very active program of speakers, travel programs, and mini classes all available at or near Fullerton at a minimal cost. Stop by the OLLI office in the Ruby Gerentology Center or call 657-278-2446 for more information.  In addition to the OLLI program at CSU Fullerton, there are Osher Lifelong Learning Institute programs at more than 100 colleges and universities across the country.  The OLLI National Center website includes a mapOpens in new window that you can use to find an OLLI program near you.